Esteatite investigates the aesthetic-economic potential of the white brasil soap stone. It is a material that is
used for sculptural creation but mostly serves as a primary material for the cosmetic industry as the base for
powders and make up.
The work consits of a photographic series installed on
the walls that shows a refining process of a brasil soap
stone. The photographs show several stages of the stone being treated in order to perfect its natural form. In
the middle of the room every visitor was invited to pick
up a book free of charge. The book consits of a photographic research trip into Minas Gerais, Brazil the area
where the brasil soap stone is being won.
The book consits of a photographic research trip into Minas Gerais, Brazil the area
where the brasil soap stone is being won.
All the pictures were taken with analog cameras, using a Kodak Potra or Ektar film, which for decades were the standard
film for portrait photography and until today are being
advertised as being fitted “for excellent skin tones“. The
pictures are accompanied by a text from a friend that
is printed in its original German with translations into
Portuguese, Spanish and English. Every book also be-
ars two further elements that are glued into the middle
of the book; a razorblade and a transparent bag full of
talcum powder that was won as a residue when shaping
the stone shown in the photographs on the walls.