Trabalhadores Do Brasil!
Silk-screen and woodcut on coloured paper

96x66 cm

100 posters spread through the streets of the city center of Curitiba, Brasil.

September 2015

    „Trabalhadores Do Brasil!“ is a public art work, made for the 12th Bienal of Curitiba 2015.
It is a direct translation of Klaus Staecks „Deutsche Arbeiter! Die SPD will euch eure Villen im Tessin wegnehmen“, made in 1973.

    The work reflects on Brasils absurd, non-identificatory political situation in 2015/16 and the right-wing propaganda that mainly consists of anti left discourse and the current demand of the upper middle class for the regress of the dictatorial military rule.
Therefore it combines poster and fond design and propagandistic reproduction tequniques used by the military dictorship as well as the amnesty movement from the 1964-1984.

© Janusch Ertler 2022